Monday, March 26, 2012

latency on transaction replication

I am using transactional replication for a 100GB database that has 2 nosync
subscribers. The pull subscriptions are segmented into like table groups.
They all use a custom profile for the distribution agents that I tweaked
over time to minimize latecy. In the last month I have noticed that 1 of the
subscriptions always has a higher latency in EM then the others. After
looking into several things, we also found out that there was a
hardware/firmware problem with Dell, so we ahve applied that patch and it
has fixed a number of other problems in the DB, but still not the latency
problem on this one subscription. Some of the other subscriptions have much
bigger tables and data changes, so I am at a loss of why this one is causing
me so many problems. I frequently will have to apply a snapshot of this
subscription because it will get so far behind, and then will slwly build
back up again until another snapshot is required.
Can anyone help?
Here are some of the current configs of the custom profile:
BcpBatchsize: 100000
CommitBatchSize: 1000
CommitBatchThreshold: 5000
Well nevermind for now. Seems like it's finally leveling off today after I
redid the subscription last night. All day it's been getting smaller (now
down to 10 minutes and the others being in the seconds); where as before it
would just get bigger and bigger (up to days behind.)
I suspect that in addition to the firmware updates and reindexing some
corrupted indexes have helped. But I am just guessing.
"Kristy" <> wrote in message
> I am using transactional replication for a 100GB database that has 2
> subscribers. The pull subscriptions are segmented into like table groups.
> They all use a custom profile for the distribution agents that I tweaked
> over time to minimize latecy. In the last month I have noticed that 1 of
> subscriptions always has a higher latency in EM then the others. After
> looking into several things, we also found out that there was a
> hardware/firmware problem with Dell, so we ahve applied that patch and it
> has fixed a number of other problems in the DB, but still not the latency
> problem on this one subscription. Some of the other subscriptions have
> bigger tables and data changes, so I am at a loss of why this one is
> me so many problems. I frequently will have to apply a snapshot of this
> subscription because it will get so far behind, and then will slwly build
> back up again until another snapshot is required.
> Can anyone help?
> Here are some of the current configs of the custom profile:
> BcpBatchsize: 100000
> CommitBatchSize: 1000
> CommitBatchThreshold: 5000
> PollingInterval:1
> Thanks,
> Kristy

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