Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Large transaction file

I've got some problems to get the transaction files under control.
For example: I have a database wich is 1 gigabyte and the transaction
log is 4.5 gigabyte
Databases are made with automatically growth file enabled en recovery
model set to full. I shrunk the database with the enterprise manager
with truncate free space from the end of the file en shrink file to XX
Mb but the file doesn't get any smaller. I've also disbled auto growth
an enabled auto schrink.
I've set up a maintenance plan wich makes a daily backup of the
database and transaction .log
SQL 2000 SP3
Any idea?
Have a look at these articles.
INF: Shrinking the Transaction Log in SQL Server 2000 with
Hope this helps
John|||Check out below KB articles:
INF: How to Shrink the SQL Server 7.0 Transaction Log;en-us;256650
INF: Shrinking the Transaction Log in SQL Server 2000 with DBCC SHRINKFILE;en-us;272318
Tibor Karaszi, SQL Server MVP
Archive at: ugroup=microsoft.public.sqlserver
"Peter Taal" <> wrote in message
> I've got some problems to get the transaction files under control.
> For example: I have a database wich is 1 gigabyte and the transaction
> log is 4.5 gigabyte
> Databases are made with automatically growth file enabled en recovery
> model set to full. I shrunk the database with the enterprise manager
> with truncate free space from the end of the file en shrink file to XX
> Mb but the file doesn't get any smaller. I've also disbled auto growth
> an enabled auto schrink.
> I've set up a maintenance plan wich makes a daily backup of the
> database and transaction .log
> SQL 2000 SP3
> Any idea?
> .|||Peter:
I had the same problem last week with a vendor supplied
database. Transaction log was 12.5 GB 3X the size of the
database. No matter how I tried I could not shrink the
log file to the desire size of 1 GB. Of course I
researched the problem and after some time it hit me.
First I said, talking to myself, why and how did this
stupid file get so large in the first place. Because of
the property settings for the data files of course. I
check the property settings for the data and log files and
found that the vendor had set the unrestricted growth at
10% for both files. I changed this to growth to my
desired size in MB so that I would uniformed growth.
After making this change I was then able to shrink any of
the files I wanted to the desired size.
Hope this will help you as well.
>--Original Message--
>I've got some problems to get the transaction files under
>For example: I have a database wich is 1 gigabyte and the
>log is 4.5 gigabyte
>Databases are made with automatically growth file enabled
en recovery
>model set to full. I shrunk the database with the
enterprise manager
>with truncate free space from the end of the file en
shrink file to XX
>Mb but the file doesn't get any smaller. I've also
disbled auto growth
>an enabled auto schrink.
>I've set up a maintenance plan wich makes a daily backup
of the
>database and transaction .log
>SQL 2000 SP3
>Any idea?

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